Object: ajaxCRUD | |||||
Constructor | |||||
Name | Requires | Returns | Default | Short description | Example |
ajaxCRUD | object | constructor for instantiating the class new ajaxCrud ( String buttonText, String dbTableName, String dbPrimaryKey, [ String ajaxcrudDir = ""] ) More... |
Example | ||
Functions | |||||
Name | Requires | Returns | Default | Short description | Example |
addAjaxFilterBox | void | adds a search box at the top of the page More... | Example | ||
addAjaxFilterBoxAllFields | all fields searchable | adds searchboxes for all fields in your table More... | Example | ||
addButton | void | adds a button to the bottom of the page More... | Example | ||
addButtonToRow | void | no button | adds a button to every row and sends the id (pk) of that item to any url More... | Example | |
addOrderBy | void | orders the table by a specified field More... | Example | ||
addTableBorder | void | off | adds a border to the html table
Example | |
addValueOnInsert | void | sets a value to a field on row insert More... | Example | ||
addWhereClause | void | null | adds a SQL "where clause" to the query More... | Example | |
appendUploadFilename | setFileUpload | no value appended | append the value of the row to the beginning of the filename More... | Example | |
defineAllowableValues | void | define "allowable" values for a field. More... | Example | ||
defineCheckbox | void | 1,0 | Sets the field to be of type 'checkbox'. More... | Example | |
defineRelationship | void | defines a relationship between your table and another (via the foreign key) More... | Example | ||
disableTableHeaders | void | table headers: true | Turns off html table headers for the table More... | Example | |
disallowAdd | void | disallow new rows to be added to the table More... | Example | ||
disallowDelete | void | disallows row deletion More... | Example | ||
disallowEdit | void | disallows a field to be edited More... | Example | ||
displayAddFormTop | void | bring the Add Row form to the top of the page More... | Example | ||
displayAs | void | actual field name | displays the field name in the table under a pseudonym More... | Example | |
formatFieldWithFunction | a user-defined function to be set | formatted data | non-formatted data | format data in a column with a custom function More... | Example |
formatFieldWithFunctionAdvanced | a user-defined function to be set | formatted data | non-formatted data | format data in a column with a custom function More... | Example |
getNumRows | int | Returns the number of rows returned More... | Example | ||
insertRowsReturned | dynamic span w/row count | 0 | Displays the number of rows returned (can be put anywhere in your application view). More... | Example | |
modifyFieldWithClass | void | add a css class to a field (used for things like jquery validation or field masking) More... | Example | ||
omitAddField | void | omits the input field from displaying when adding a row More... | Example | ||
omitField | void | omits a field from displaying in the table More... | Example | ||
omitFieldCompletely | void | field not omitted | this function calls both omitField and omitAddField for a field More... | Example | |
omitPrimaryKey | void | omits the primary key from displaying in the table More... | Example | ||
onAddExecuteCallBackFunction | (callback function) | void | calls a local function when a new row is added More... | Example | |
onDeleteFileExecuteCallBackFunction | setFileUpload, (callback function) | void | calls a local function when a file (that was previously uploaded) is deleted More... | Example | |
onFileUploadExecuteCallBackFunction | setFileUpload, your callback function | void | calls a local function when a file is uploaded More... | Example | |
onUpdateExecuteCallBackFunction | (callback function) | void | calls a local, user-defined php function after a particular field is edited/updated More... | Example | |
orderFields | re-sorted fields in table | order in database schema | sort the fields order in the database More... | Example | |
setAddFieldNote | void | null | Puts a note (description of the field) next to it when adding a column More... | Example | |
setAddPlaceholderText | null | null | Puts placeholder text on the input fields More... | Example | |
setAjaxFilterBoxSize | addAjaxFilterBox or addAjaxFilterBoxAllFields | 10 | **THIS FUNCTION IS DEPRECATED AS OF V6.0; use second (optional) param of addAjaxFilterBox instead** sets the size (lengh of the textbox) of an ajax filter box More... |
Example | |
setCSSFile | void | default.css | Sets a css file as the stylesheet to be used to render the table. More... | Example | |
setExactSearchField | void | Table filter assist function; sets a field to use an EXACT search. More... | Example | ||
setFileUpload | web-safe filename of uploaded file (on upload | allows a field to accept file uploads More... | Example | ||
setInitialAddFieldValue | null | null | Set the initial value for a field (when adding a row) | Example | |
setLimit | void | 50 | set the limit of number of rows to display More... | Example | |
setOrientation | void | horizontal | set the orientation of the table (i.e. set to veritcal) More... | Example | |
setTextareaHeight | void | input box | Sets the textarea height for a field More... | Example | |
setTextboxWidth | void | 20 | Sets the width size for a textbox field More... | Example | |
showCheckboxAll | void | Set ALL checkboxes for a field (in a column) to be on of off. More... | Example | ||
showCSVExportOption | void | Displays a button which outputs table to CSV format More... | Example | ||
showOnly | void | all fields | show only a few fields from your table instead of all of them More... | Example | |
showTable | ajaxCRUD (the constructor) | void (displays the table) | function to "run" the script / display the table More... | Example | |
turnOffAjaxADD | void | (ajax used for adding a row) | Turns off ajax for the CREATE crud operation (adding a row). More... | Example | |
turnOffAjaxEditing | void | turns off the ability to edit ALL fields. More... | Example | ||
turnOffPaging | void | paging at 50/page | turn off paging so total rows returns maxes at a value More... | Example | |
turnOffSorting | void | sorting: on | Turns off the ability to sort table by clicking the header titles More... | Example | |
validateDeleteWithFunction | a user-defined function to be set | user-defined method returns true or false | Allows you to set logic allowing if deletion of certain rows is permissible or not More... | Example | |
validateUpdateWithFunction | a user-defined function to be set | user-defined method returns true or false | Allows you to set logic allowing if updating a row is permissible or not More... | Example | |
Variables | |||||
Name | Requires | Type | Default | Short description | Example |
actionText | variable | Action | Change the text 'Action' that appears in the table header | Example | |
addButtonText | variable | Add {Item} | Overwrites the text of the Add button More... | Example | |
addButtonToRowWindowOpen | variable | same | When a button is added to row (addButtonToRow) the window in which to open page (ALL buttons). More... | Example | |
addMessage | variable | {Item} added | The message that displays after you add a new item (and you're not using ajax adding) More... | Example | |
addText | variable | Add | The word that displays in the button for adding a new row | Example | |
ajaxcrud_where_clause | session_start(); | variable | Most recent/active sql WHERE clause used by the ajaxcrud table. More... | Example | |
cancelText | variable | Cancel | The word that displays in the button for Cancelling out of an add form (slides the form up) | Example | |
cellspacing | variable | 0 | cellspacing for the html table that displays the database table | Example | |
css | variable | true | set to false if you don't want to use a css stylesheet More... | ||
deleteText | variable | Delete | The word that displays in the button for deleting an existing row | Example | |
doActionOnShowTable | variable | true | when set to true CRUD actions will happen when showTable() is called More... | Example | |
emptyTableMessage | variable | The message that appears when a table is empty. | Example | ||
fileDeleteText | variable | del | Change the word that displays for the link that handles file deletions. | Example | |
fileEditText | variable | edit | Change the word that displays for the link that handles file updates. | Example | |
hover_color | variable | #B1CFF5 (a light blue) | color when you hover over a cell to change its value More... | Example | |
showCheckbox | variable | false | puts a checkbox in front of each row More... | Example |