Frequently Asked Questions
What is ajaxCRUD?
ajaxCRUD is a database management tool (php class) written in PHP. This means that using very simple PHP commands you can perform powerful database manipulation with only a few lines of code. Normally to do the same functionality you would need to write hundreds of lines.
What about security? Should I be worried?
The ajaxCRUD application was developed for "backend applications" only. It is (typically) not to be used as a 'front-end' tool!
For example it could be used by a website owner to control his USERS, CUSTOMERS, or DOWNLOADABLE FILES. This tool would be behind a password-protected page (eg via .htaccess / .htpasswd). He/she could then provide a "view only" version of the information via the 'front end' of the website.
However -- if you DID want to use ajaxCRUD for "front end" use then you could always provide a "require_admin()" function in the action controller to ensure no one was 'hacking' the interface. -
Does this class work for PHP 5.0?
Can you alter the class for me...?
Please contact us for a quote if you need to customized functionality added to the tool.
We are happy to alter the class as necessary to work for you and your business needs. Whether you have a client that needs certain admin privledges quickly (not supported by the "out of the box" tool) or you are simply trying to achieve some flexible functionality, let us know today and we'll provide a quote. -
What is AJAX and why should I care?
Traditionally when working with a database you needed to perform all "actions" (eg edit/delete) with a page reload. However, using AJAX, this class instead is able to update fields and delete rows immediately and without refreshing the page.
This is very helpful in that it 1) saves time and 2) is 'über cool'. -
How do I install this class?
1. Read the license agreement and purchase ajaxCRUD (if it will be used on a commercial website) 2. Download the zip package. 3. Unzip files to a web hosting server.(note: we can provide web hosting if needed) 4. Create a mySQL database and a user (using cPanel or other adminstrative console.) 5. Create your database tables (using phpMyAdmin or other database tool). 6. Edit an example script and point the class at YOUR new table(s) 7. Customize script as needed
If you want to install the tool locally, we suggest using Linux OR downloading WAMP (Apache/mySQL/PHP on Windows)--since it's easy and free!
If you have any questions, please post them to the forum. If you'd like our team to install ajaxCRUD for you, please contact us. -
What if I need help and/or on-going support?
We encourage any "casual" users of ajaxCRUD to take full advantage of our online forum to ask any questions about use of this class. We (or other users) tend to respond to inquiries posted on the forum in a timely fashion.
If you need assistance for an ajaxCRUD implementation and/or on-going technical support, we offer professional support to our paying clients. Please click here for more information.
If you are a business and need paid assistance and/or custom modifications, please request a quote for services. -
Possible to display multiple fields with defineRelationship?
You can, rather easily, using the CONCAT function:
$ajaxcrudObj->defineRelationship("fkOtherTableID", "tblOtherTable", "pkOtherTableID", "CONCAT(fldFirstName, " ", fldMiddleName, " ", fldLastName)")
Read more in in our documentation.
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